It’s been awhile, but KCF and I are ready to be (even) more diablogical! Having decided that regularly blogging was too time consuming for our busy schedules (and because we always like to experiment), we’ve decided to try out Tumblr. Here’s the description from our “about this project” page: In 2010 Sara L. Puotinen (The […]
This entry is also posted on my trouble blog. Ever since I started thinking about using twitter in the classroom (and before I actually used it, which was in fall, 2010), I’ve been following the interesting and innovative work of David M. Silver and his media studies classes at the University of San Francisco. He […]
Webbing Cyberfeminist Practice:Communities, Pedagogies and Social Action was recalled from the U of Minnesota library and I need to return it today. Before returning it, I thought I’d mark it here as a source to possibly re-visit in the future. Sadly it has been on my shelf collecting dust for about a year and a […]
Hi KCF! Here’s something that I just posted on my trouble blog about my blog/twitter assignments for the fall. Any thoughts? I’m working on my syllabus for the feminist debates class that I’m teaching in the fall. As usual, I’m spending way too much time trying to figure out all of the readings and assignments…time […]
Hi KCF! Thanks for getting us going on our second diablog for the summer. I have lots of different ideas running around in my head about this one and am finding it difficult to focus my thoughts (too much coffee? the crappy weather? the fact that RJP’s camp was canceled for the week?). Anyway, here […]

Hey friend, I was going to tweet this to see if we wanted to diablog about this, and then I decided hey, I’m just going to throw this up here and see if we can make it part of our diablog series! Look at me taking initiative! (Or am I procrastinating from other stuff I […]
Wow – this is quite the interesting article isn’t it? I think it’s really great that we decided to start off our summer diablogging series with this article! (You like what I did there?!) Anyways, I am going to post my response to the article here and then try to answer some of your questions […]

Last week I invited KCF to diablog about a recent article posted on the Chronicle of Higher Education’s Wired Campus Blog: Will the Internet Destroy Academic Freedom? Here’s a particularly troubling paragraph: Mr. Hutcheson, who testified on behalf of Ward Churchill in the former University of Colorado professor’s academic freedom and unfair-dismissal lawsuit, put it this […]
Any questions or comments about our presentation at the 2011 Wisconsin Women’s Studies Conference in Madison, WS on March 25? Feel free to post them as comments to this open thread. This is your invitation to engage!
One slogan kept coming up in our discussions about training and blogging pedagogy: “This isn’t a how-to manual; it’s an invitation to engage.” In fact, there can never be a comprehensive how-to manual for blogging while teaching and teaching with blogs in the feminist classroom because blogging technology is always changing and because blogging defies […]
Some Tips for using blogs in feminist and queer classrooms: Successful blogs require assignments that are more than just offline assignments posted online. Think about the blog as a location for reading and writing and reflect that in your assignments. Bring blog entries, comments, and discussions into your offline class sessions. In order to get […]
As SLP mentioned, we are going to be utilizing this space as part of our presentation at the 35th Annual University of Wisconsin System – Wisconsin Women’s Studies Conference and 6th Annual Wisconsin LGBTQ Spring Conference. Check out the conference schedule here – we present bright and early at 8:30am on Saturday! I know I […]